## version ## language deutsch ## codeset 0 ;MUIB ;MUIB ;MUIB This catalog description file was generated by MUIBuilder. ;MUIB ;MUIB Please don't modify the lines generated by MUIBuilder, ;MUIB but you can add your own entries. ;MUIB MSG_AppDescription Erzeugt auf einfachste Weise weich scrollende Videoabspanne ;Easily generates smooth scrolling video titles ;MUIB MSG_AppCopyright 1994-96 by Andreas Ackermann ;MUIB window Title MSG_WI_ee VideoTitler Objekt-Editor ;VideoTitler Object-Editor ;MUIB group MSG_GR_el_mainTitle Objekt-Liste ;Object-List ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_el_newtxt neuer _Text ;New _Text ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_el_newanim neue _Anim ;New _Anim ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_el_newgfx neue _Grafik ;New _Graphic ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_el_newhbar neuer _Balken ;New Hbar ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_el_newtime neue Uhr ;New Time ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_el_delete ;_Delete ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_el_up _hoch ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_el_previous _vorheriges ;_Previous ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_el_top _oben ;T_op ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_el_down _runter ;Do_wn ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_el_next chstes ;Ne_xt ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_el_bottom _unten ;_Bottom ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_el_all a_lle ;A_ll ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_el_no kei_nes ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_el_clone _kopiere ;_Clone ;MUIB group MSG_GR_ee_txtTitle Text-Einstellungen ;Text-Options ;MUIB group MSG_GR_ee_gfxTitle Brush-Einstellungen ;Brush-Options ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 0 MSG_CY_ee_palette0 Brushpalette ;Brushpalette ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 1 MSG_CY_ee_palette1 eigene Palette ;Private palette ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 2 MSG_CY_ee_palette2 Stylepalette ;Stylepalette ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_ee_export Exportiere ;b\00Export ... ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_ee_edit_palette nd_ere Palette ;Ed_it Palette ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_ee_addplane zus. Pla_ne ;add pla_ne ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_CH_ee_addplane ;n\00 ;MUIB group MSG_GR_ee_animTitle Anim-Einstellungen ;Anim-Options ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 0 MSG_CY_ee_anim_palette0 Animpalette ;Animpalette ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 1 MSG_CY_ee_anim_palette1 eigene Palette ;Private palette ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 2 MSG_CY_ee_anim_palette2 Stylepalette ;Stylepalette ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_ee_anim_edit_palette nd_ere Palette ;Ed_it Palette ;MUIB Slider MSG_SL_ee_anim_delay gerung ;Delay ;MUIB group MSG_GR_ee_hbarTitle Balken-Einstellungen ;Horizontal Bar Options ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_se_hbar_height he (pix) ;height (pix) ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_se_hbar_width Breite (pm) ;width (pm) ;MUIB group MSG_GR_ee_generalTitle allgemeine Einstellungen ;General Options ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_se_freelines vert. L cke (pix) ;vertical gap (pix) ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_se_xpos horiz. Position (pm) ;horiz. position (pm) ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 0 MSG_CY_ee_xpos0 zentriert ;center middle ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 1 MSG_CY_ee_xpos1 linksb ;leftbound ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 2 MSG_CY_ee_xpos2 rechtsb ;rightbound ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_ee_xpos2 _xpos vom Style ;xpos _from style ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_CH_ee_xpos ;f\00 ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 0 MSG_CY_ee_stop0 keine Pause ;don't stop ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 1 MSG_CY_ee_stop1 halte mittig ;stop centered ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 2 MSG_CY_ee_stop2 halte unten ;stop bottom ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 3 MSG_CY_ee_stop3 halte oben ;stop top ;MUIB Slider MSG_SL_ee_stopoffset Abstand (pm) ;stop offset ;MUIB Slider MSG_SL_ee_stoptimeout Pausenl nge (sec/10) ;timeout ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_ee_edit_style ndere St_yle ;Edit St_yle ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_ee_undo _UnDo ;UnD_o ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_ee_assign_to_selected _Weise zu ... ;A_ssign to selected ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_ee_load_ascii Lade ASCII ;b\00Load ASCII ;MUIB window Title MSG_WI_mw VideoTitler ;VideoTitler ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_mw_load _Laden ;_Load ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_mw_edit_element ndere Objekt ;_Edit Object ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_mw_edit_style ndere St_yle ;Edit St_yle ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_mw_play Abs_pielen ;_Play ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_mw_about ;_About ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_mw_save _Speichern ;_Save ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_mw_error_window Fehle_r-Fenster ;E_rror Window ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_mw_brushes Brus_h-Liste ;Brus_h list ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_mw_play_selected Spiele mark_. ;Play sele_cted ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_mw_new ;_New ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_mw_playprefs Abspiel_ Prefs ;Play_ prefs ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_mw_prefs Pre_fs ;Pre_fs ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_mw_info _Info ;_Info ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_mw_play_test obsolete ;Play Test ;MUIB window Title MSG_WI_pr VideoTitler Voreinsteller ;VideoTitler Preferences ;MUIB Radio TitleFrame MSG_RA_pr_videonormTitle Videonorm ;Videonorm ;MUIB Radio Title MSG_RA_pr_videonorm ;v\00 ;MUIB Radio Entry number 0 MSG_RA_pr_videonorm0 ;MUIB Radio Entry number 1 MSG_RA_pr_videonorm1 ;NTSC ;MUIB Radio Entry number 2 MSG_RA_pr_videonorm2 automatisch ;auto ;MUIB Slider MSG_SL_pr_colbase Bas_is f r Farbeditor ;Colorbase for Coled ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_pr_separation_char Zeile_numbruch ;_newline char ;MUIB String Gadget MSG_STR_pr_separation_char ;n\00 ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_pr_safety_messages Sicherheitsab_fragen ;sa_fety messages ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_CH_pr_safety_messages ;f\00 ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_pr_auto_errorwindow ffne Fehlerfenster ;_auto errorwindow ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_CH_pr_auto_errorwindow ;a\00 ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_pr_show_element Objektvorsc_hau ;s_how object ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_CH_pr_show_element ;h\00 ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_pr_compress komprimiere ;co_mpress ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_CH_pr_compress ;m\00 ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_pr_buffer_brush B_rushes buffern ;_buffer brushes ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_CH_pr_buffer_brush ;b\00 ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_pr_owncoledscreen eigener Screen f_ r Color-Editor ;f_orce coloreditor screen ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_CH_pr_owncoledscreen ;o\00 ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_pr_show_styleC zeige St_yle ;show st_yle ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_CH_pr_show_styleC ;y\00 ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_pr_save _Speichern ;_Save ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_pr_use _Benutzen ;_Use ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_pr_default _Vorgabe ;_Default ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_pr_cancel _Abbruch ;_Cancel ;MUIB window Title MSG_WI_er Videotitler Fehlerfenster ;VideoTitler Errorwindow ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_er_clear Liste l s_chen ;_Clear list ;MUIB window Title MSG_WI_se Style-Editor ;VideoTitler Style-Editor ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_se_new ;_New ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_se_delete schen ;_Delete ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_se_all _Alle ;_All ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_se_no _Keines ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_se_stylename St_ylename ;St_ylename ;MUIB String Gadget MSG_STR_se_stylename ;y\00 ;MUIB group MSG_GR_se_outlineTitle Umrandung ;Outline ;MUIB Slider MSG_SL_se_out_thickness ;thickness ;MUIB Cycle MSG_CY_se_out_quality ;o\00 ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 0 MSG_CY_se_out_quality0 gute Qualit ;good quality ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 1 MSG_CY_se_out_quality1 mittlere Qualit ;medium quality ;MUIB group MSG_GR_se_shadowTitle Schatten ;Shadow ;MUIB Cycle MSG_CY_se_shd_quality ;s\00 ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 0 MSG_CY_se_shd_quality0 gute Qualit ;good quality ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 1 MSG_CY_se_shd_quality1 mittlere Qualit ;medium quality ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_se_shd_solid umlich ;sol_id ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_CH_se_shd_solid ;i\00 ;MUIB Slider MSG_SL_se_shd_thickness Weite ;thickness ;MUIB Register Entry MSG_GR_se_textmode0 normal ;plain ;MUIB Register Entry MSG_GR_se_textmode1 Name...Name ;name...name ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_se_leftfont links ;left ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_se_middlefont mitte ;middle ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_se_rightfont rechts ;right ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 0 MSG_CY_se_textmodenew0 ganze Breite ;spread ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 1 MSG_CY_se_textmodenew1 Spalten ;fixed columns ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_se_leftwidth linke Spalte (pm) ;left width (pm) ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_se_rightwidth rechte Spalte (pm) ;right width (pm) ;MUIB Slider MSG_SL_se_renderwidth Text Breite (pm) ;render width (pm) ;MUIB group MSG_GR_se_xposTitle x-Position ;x-position ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 0 MSG_CY_se_xpos0 zentriert ;center middle ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 1 MSG_CY_se_xpos1 linksb ;leftbound ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 2 MSG_CY_se_xpos2 rechtsb ;rightbound ;MUIB String Gadget MSG_STR_se_xpos xpos (pm) ;xpos (pm) ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_se_edit_colors ndere _Farben ;Edit _colors ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_se_addplane zus. _Plane ;_add plane ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_CH_se_addplane ;a\00 ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_se_assign_to_selected _Weise zu ... ;Assi_gn to selected ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_se_undo ;b\00UnDo ;MUIB window Title MSG_WI_as VideoTitler ;VideoTitler ;MUIB group MSG_GR_as_marksTitle Weise zu ... ;Assign ... ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_as_style St_yle ;st_yle ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_CH_as_style ;y\00 ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_as_xpos _x-Pos ;_x-position ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_CH_as_xpos ;x\00 ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_as_centering _Zentrierung ;c_entering ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_CH_as_center ;e\00 ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_as_freelines _Leerzeilen ;_free lines ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_CH_as_freelines ;f\00 ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_as_stoptimeout Pausenl_ ;s_top timeout ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_CH_as_stoptimeout ;t\00 ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_as_stopposition Abstan_d ;_stop position ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_CH_as_stopposition ;s\00 ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_as_palette _Palette ;_palette ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_CH_as_palette ;p\00 ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_as_hbarheight _Balkenh ;h_bar height ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_CH_as_hbarheight ;b\00 ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_as_hbarwidth Balkenb_reite ;hba_r width ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_CH_as_hbarwidth ;r\00 ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_as_ok ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_as_cancel _Abbruch ;_Cancel ;MUIB window Title MSG_WI_ld VideoTitler Speicherfenster ;VideoTitler Loadwindow ;MUIB Register Entry MSG_GR_ld_pages0 vollst ndig laden ;load complete ;MUIB Register Entry MSG_GR_ld_pages1 teilweise laden ;load partial ;MUIB Radio TitleFrame MSG_RA_ld_lines_modeTitle lade Objekte ;load objects ;MUIB Radio Title MSG_RA_ld_lines_mode ;m\00 ;MUIB Radio Entry number 0 MSG_RA_ld_lines_mode0 nicht laden ;don't load ;MUIB Radio Entry number 1 MSG_RA_ld_lines_mode1 sche alte ;Delete old ;MUIB Radio Entry number 2 MSG_RA_ld_lines_mode2 ;Append ;MUIB Radio Entry number 3 MSG_RA_ld_lines_mode3 ;Insert ;MUIB Radio TitleFrame MSG_RA_ld_styles_modeTitle lade Styles ;load styles ;MUIB Radio Title MSG_RA_ld_styles_mode ;y\00 ;MUIB Radio Entry number 0 MSG_RA_ld_styles_mode0 nicht laden ;don't load ;MUIB Radio Entry number 1 MSG_RA_ld_styles_mode1 sche alte ;Delete old ;MUIB Radio Entry number 2 MSG_RA_ld_styles_mode2 ;Append ;MUIB PopAsl HotKey MSG_PA_ld_filename_partial ;p\00 ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_ld_load _Laden ;_Load ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_ld_cancel _Abbruch ;_Cancel ;MUIB window Title MSG_WI_sv VideoTitler Speicherfenster ;VideoTitler Savewindow ;MUIB Register Entry MSG_GR_sv_pages0 komplett speichern ;save complete ;MUIB Register Entry MSG_GR_sv_pages1 teilweise speichern ;save partial ;MUIB Radio TitleFrame MSG_RA_sv_elementsTitle speichere Objekte ;save objects ;MUIB Radio Title MSG_RA_sv_elements ;e\00 ;MUIB Radio Entry number 0 MSG_RA_sv_elements0 nicht speichern ;don't save ;MUIB Radio Entry number 1 MSG_RA_sv_elements1 alle speichern ;save all ;MUIB Radio Entry number 2 MSG_RA_sv_elements2 ausgew hlte speichern ;save selected ;MUIB Radio Entry number 3 MSG_RA_sv_elements3 aktives speichern ;save active ;MUIB Radio TitleFrame MSG_RA_sv_stylesTitle speichere Styles ;save styles ;MUIB Radio Title MSG_RA_sv_styles ;y\00 ;MUIB Radio Entry number 0 MSG_RA_sv_styles0 nicht speichern ;don't save ;MUIB Radio Entry number 1 MSG_RA_sv_styles1 alle speichern ;save all ;MUIB Radio Entry number 2 MSG_RA_sv_styles2 ausge hlte speichern ;save selected ;MUIB Radio Entry number 3 MSG_RA_sv_styles3 aktives speichern ;save active ;MUIB Radio Entry number 4 MSG_RA_sv_styles4 benutzte speichern ;save used ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_sv_save _Speichern ;_Save ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_sv_cancel _Abbruch ;_Cancel ;MUIB window Title MSG_WI_ce VideoTitler Farbeinsteller ;VideoTitler ColorEditor ;MUIB group MSG_GR_ce_colorsTitle hle Farbe ;pick color ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_ce_norm Te_xtfarbe ;_text color ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_ce_shd _Schattenfarbe ;_shadow color ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_ce_out _Umrand.farbe ;o_utline color ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_ce_swap _Tauschen ;s_wap ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_ce_copy _Kopieren ;cop_y ;MUIB Register Entry MSG_GR_ce_pagemode0 normal ;normal ;MUIB Register Entry MSG_GR_ce_pagemode1 Verlauf ;slide ;MUIB Register Entry MSG_GR_ce_pagemode2 Copperbalken ;copper ;MUIB Register Entry MSG_GR_ce_pagemode3 Regenbogen ;rainbow ;MUIB Slider MSG_SL_ce_n_r ;MUIB Slider MSG_SL_ce_n_g ;MUIB Slider MSG_SL_ce_n_b ;MUIB Slider MSG_SL_ce_rs ;MUIB Slider MSG_SL_ce_gs ;MUIB Slider MSG_SL_ce_bs ;MUIB Slider MSG_SL_ce_re ;MUIB Slider MSG_SL_ce_ge ;MUIB Slider MSG_SL_ce_be ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_ce_slade_swap Tausche_n ;Swa_p ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_ce_sl_height he in % ;height in % ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_ce_sl_start Start in % ;start in % ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_ce_cp_height he in % ;height in % ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_ce_cp_speed Geschwindigkeit ;speed ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_ce_first_bar erster Balken ;first bar ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 0 MSG_CY_ce_cp_bar10 ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 1 MSG_CY_ce_cp_bar11 ;green ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 2 MSG_CY_ce_cp_bar12 ;blue ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 3 MSG_CY_ce_cp_bar13 ;pink ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 4 MSG_CY_ce_cp_bar14 ;yellow ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 5 MSG_CY_ce_cp_bar15 ;turquoise ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 6 MSG_CY_ce_cp_bar16 ;white ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_ce_second_bar zweiter Balken ;second bar ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 0 MSG_CY_ce_cp_bar20 ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 1 MSG_CY_ce_cp_bar21 ;green ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 2 MSG_CY_ce_cp_bar22 ;blue ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 3 MSG_CY_ce_cp_bar23 ;pink ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 4 MSG_CY_ce_cp_bar24 ;yellow ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 5 MSG_CY_ce_cp_bar25 ;turquoise ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 6 MSG_CY_ce_cp_bar26 ;white ;MUIB Slider MSG_SL_ce_rb_r r-Offset in % ;r-offset in % ;MUIB Slider MSG_SL_ce_rb_g g-Offset in % ;g-offset in % ;MUIB Slider MSG_SL_ce_rb_b b-Offset in % ;b-offset in % ;MUIB Slider MSG_SL_ce_rb_rs r-Speed ;r-speed ;MUIB Slider MSG_SL_ce_rb_gs g-Speed ;g-speed ;MUIB Slider MSG_SL_ce_rb_bs b-Speed ;b-speed ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_ce_brushpalette _Brushpalette ;Get _brush palette ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_ce_cfontpalette Color_fontpalette ;Get color_font palette ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_ce_ok ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_ce_cancel _Abbruch ;_Cancel ;MUIB window Title MSG_WI_br VideoTitler Brush-Liste ;Videotitler Brush List ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_br_unload _Entfernen ;_Unload ;MUIB window Title MSG_WI_ol VideoTitler Progress Indicator ;VideoTitler OpenList Info ;MUIB text content MSG_TX_ol_text Animationen, Brushes und Schriftarten werden nachgeladen ... ;Preloading of required fonts, animations and brushes in progress ... ;MUIB window Title MSG_WI_pp VideoTitler Play-Voreinsteller ;Videotitler play preferences ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_pp_speed Geschw. (Rasterzeilen/Frame) ;speed (rasterlines/frame) ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_pp_xoff Horiz. Shift (HiRes-Pixel) ;horizontal shift (hires-pixels) ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_pp_colors ndere _Palette ;Edit _palette ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_pp_loop _endlos ;_loop ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_CH_pp_loop ;l\00 ;MUIB String Gadget MSG_STR_pp_s1 Debug1 ;Debug1 ;MUIB String Gadget MSG_STR_pp_s2 Debug2 ;Debug2 ;MUIB String Gadget MSG_STR_pp_s3 Debug3 ;Debug3 ;MUIB String Gadget MSG_STR_pp_s4 Debug4 ;Debug4 ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_pp_ok ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_pp_cancel _Abbruch ;_Cancel ;MUIB window Title MSG_WI_ss VideoTitler ;VideoTitler Style-Assign To Selected Window ;MUIB group MSG_GR_ss_choiceTitle Weise zu ... ;Assign ... ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_ss_palette _Palette ;_palette ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_CH_ss_palette ;p\00 ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_ss_xpos _x-Position ;_x-position ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_CH_ss_xpos ;x\00 ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_ss_shadow _Schatten ;_shadow ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_CH_ss_shadow ;s\00 ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_ss_outline _Umrandung ;o_utline ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_CH_ss_outline ;u\00 ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_ss_addplane zus. Bitpla_ne ;add pla_ne ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_CH_ss_addplane ;n\00 ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_ss_fontheight Schrifth_ ;font _height ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_CH_ss_fontheight ;h\00 ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_ss_font S_chriftname ;_font name ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_CH_ss_font ;f\00 ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_ss_renderwidth Text_breite ;_render width ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_CH_ss_renderwidth ;r\00 ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_ss_formatting Text_formatierung ;for_matting ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_CH_ss_formatting ;m\00 ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_ss_fontnames Schrif_tnamen ;fon_tnames ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_CH_ss_fontnames ;t\00 ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_ss_ok ;MUIB button text MSG_BT_ss_cancel _Abbruch ;_Cancel ; This catalog description file ; was generated by MUIBuilder MSG_ALREADY_EXIST Datei '%s'\nexistiert bereits. berschreiben ? ;File '%s'\nalready exists. Save anyway ? MSG_CANT_OPEN Kann '%s' nicht ffnen ! ;Can't open '%s' ! MSG_OK MSG_NO_VTT_FILE Die Datei '%s' ist leider kein VideoTitler-Skript ! ;The file '%s' unfortunately\nisn't a Videotitler script ! MSG_YES_NO Ja|Nein ;Yes|No MSG_DO_YOU_REALLY_WANT_TO_DELETE chten Sie diese(s) Objekt(e)\nwirklich l schen ? ;Do you really want to delete\nthis/these object(s) ? MSG_DEFAULT_STYLE -Vorgabe- ;-default- MSG_STYLE_USED Der Style '%s' wird noch in\nmindestens einem Objekt verwendet.\nTrotzdem l schen ? ;Style '%s' is still\nused in at least one object.\nDelete anyway ? MSG_YES_NO_ALWAYS Ja|Immer|Nein ;Yes|Always|No MSG_WRONG_VERSION Das Skript '%s' wurde mit einer\nsp teren Version von VideoTitler gespeichert\nund kann nicht geladen werden ! ;Sorry, '%s' was saved\nwith a later version of Videotitler.\nCan't load it ! MSG_NEW_QUESTION Derzeitiger Arbeitsstand nicht gespeichert.\nTrotzdem weitermachen ? ;Current work is not saved !\nContinue anyway ? MSG_ABOUT_STRING r's hier rumzupfuschen, gell ? ;nix da!! MSG_NO_FONT_FOR_STYLE Kann Schriftart %s nicht ffnen. ;Can't open font: %s MSG_STILL_REQUESTER_OPEN Es sind noch einige ASL-Requester offen.\nSie m ssen sie erst schlie ;There're still some ASL-requesters open.\nYou must close them before I can quit ! ILL_DO_THAT Das werde ich tun ! ;I'll do that ! NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY_OPENSCREEN Nicht genug Speicher um den Bildscshirm zu ffnen. ;Not enough memory to open screen ! NO_BODY IFF hat keine BODY-Chunk ;IFF has no BODY-chunk CANT_OPEN_BRUSH Kann IFF nicht ;Can't open IFF NOT_IFF_FILE Dies ist kein Pinsel ;This is not a brush OPEN_IFF_ERROR OpenIFF lieferte einen Fehler ;OpenIFF returned an error IFF_NO_MEM Nicht gen gend Speicher ;Not enough memory INTERNAL_ERROR Internal Error ;Internal error IFF_NOT_COMPRESSED Brush ist nicht komprimiert. Kann ihn nicht laden ! ;Brush not compressed. Can't load it ! IFF_TOO_LARGE Objekt zu breit. Breite: %ld, (max: %ld) ;Object too large. Width: %ld, maxwidth: %ld NO_STYLE_SELECTED Warnung: Kein Style ausgew ;Warning: No style selected CANT_UNLOAD_BRUSH Kann noch benutzte Brushes nicht entfernen ;Can't unload brushes that still are in use ! INFO_STRING \x1bcInfo\n\n\x1blFreies Chip: %9ld Bytes, gr ter Block: %9ld Bytes\nFreies Fast: %9ld Bytes, gr ter Block: %9ld Bytes\n\nCustomchips:%s, erm glichen %ld Bitplanes\nVideomodus (Hardware):%s\nVideomodus (eingestellt):%s ;\x1bcInfo\n\n\x1blFree chip: %9ld bytes, largest: %9ld bytes\nFree fast: %9ld bytes, largest: %9ld bytes\n\nGraphics configuration:%s, allowing %ld planes\nHardware video mode:%s\nSelected video mode:%s ELEMENT_TOO_WIDE Objekt ist zu breit: %ld > %ld ;Object is too wide: %ld > %ld NO_MEMORY \x01\x10\x10VideoTitler-Message: %ld Bytes konnten nicht allokiert werden!!!\x00 ;\x01\x10\x10VideoTitler message: Failed to alloc %ld bytes !!!\x00 CORRUPT_ANIM Animation ist zerst ;Anim is corrupted ! NOT_ANIM Dies ist keine Animation ;This is not an anim file UNSUPPORTED_COMPRESSION Unbekannte Kompressionsmethode ! ;Unsupported compression method ! TOO_MANY_PLANES Warnung: Objekt hat zu viele Bitplanes ;Warning: Object has too many planes SCROLL_NO_MEM Beim Scrollen wurde der Speicher knapp.\n%ld Zeilen konnten nicht angezeigt werden.\nMindestens %ld Bytes fehlen. ;Not enough memory while scrolling.\nFailed to create %ld lines.\nAt least %ld bytes are missing. SCROLL_NO_ELEMENT Tut mir leid, es gibt nichts zu scrollen ! ;Sorry, there's nothing to scroll ! IS_COLORFONT %s ist ein Colorfont.\nM chten Sie seine Palette als Style-Palette verwenden ? ;%s is a colorfont.\nDo you want to use it's palette as style-palette ? CANT_LOAD_BRUSH t sich nicht ffnen.\n(Detailierte Beschreibung im Fehlerfenster.) ;Can't open brush %s.\nLook into error-window for detailed description. COL_REQUIRES_MORE_PLANES Warnung: Gew hlte shd/txt/out-Farbe ben tigt mehr Bitplanes. ;Warning: Selected shd/txt/out-color requires more planes. MORE_PLANES_THAN_COLORS Warnung: Mehr Bitplanes als definierte Farben. ;Warning: More planes than defined colors. CANT_OPEN_COLED Kann Farbeditor-Fenster nicht ffnen ! ;Can't open coloreditor window. CANT_OPEN_REQUESTER \x00\x10\x10 Requester lie sich nicht ffnen.\x00 ;\x00\x10\x10 Failed to open requester.\x00 CANT_OPEN_ICON Kann das VideoTitler Projektpiktogramm nicht finden.\n(icons/videotitler_default.info) ;Can't open the Videotitler project icon.\n(VTT:icons/videotitler_default.info) SCROLL_TIME %ld Zeilen mit einer Gesamth he\nvon %ld Pixeln sind darstellbar.\nDer Abspann ben tigt %ld Sekunden f r einen Durchlauf.\n\nStart mit linker Maustaste, Stop mit rechter. ;There are %ld displayable lines\nwith a total height of %ld pixels.\nThe title will take %ld seconds to be scrolled once.\n\nStart script with left mouse-button.\nExit with right mouse-button. EL_PREVIEW_TEXT %3ldx%3ld,(%3ldx???) %s ;%3ldx%3ld, ( max. %3ldx...) %s MSG_FAIL_NO_MEM Nicht genug Speicher um die Abspielroutine zu starten ! ;Not enough memory to set up scrolling routine ! MSG_NO_CMAP IFF besitzt keine Farbinformation ;IFF has no CMAP